Using the Trade Module

The Trade Module is a Spectra add-on. The cost is $25 per month, added to your regular Spectra fee. Contact us to activate this option if you haven’t already.

1. Setup Your Brand(s)

Before you add any assets, you will need to set up at least one brand. Here are the steps:

1. In the WordPress admin area, select the Brands area from the sidebar on the left, then click on the Add New Post button at the top

Setting up a brand

2. Start by adding the brand name in the Title field at the top

3. Add a logo or switch the Use Logo for Landing Page Images? to No and use a banner image instead (the banner field will appear when switching the logo toggle to No).

4. Complete these optional fields if you wish:

  • Tagline: This is intended for a brand tagline, such as “The Best of Sonoma” if you wish to use it
  • Website URL: This is likely redundant if you only have one brand or multiple brands on the same website as people will already be on the site when viewing this page
  • Brand Assets: You can add a brand description, additional imagery or other types of content in this multi-purpose field if you wish

Brand setup continued

5. Click the Publish button to complete your Brand setup, the add other brands if you wish or move on to adding assets.

Publishing a brand

2. Add Your Assets

To add new assets, follow these steps:

1. In the WordPress admin area, select the Wine Assets area from the sidebar on the left
Wine assets section

2.Click on the Add New Post button at the top of the Wine Assets area
Add New Post button

3. Give your asset a name and select the Linked Brand the asset belongs to in the Linked Brand in the middle right. Most wineries will only have 1 brand.
Trade Assets 1

4. Scroll down and add a featured image, then use the Add Asset button to add assets for that wine: add a Title, select File or URL from the second column, then add the asset you want to use, whether that’s a file or an external link
Trade Assets 2

5. Manually enter the varietal and vintage for the wine. The content of these fields will be used for the Varietal and Vintage filters. The Sub-Brand field is not currently in use so leave it blank.
Trade Asset 3

6.Finally, scroll back up and click the Publish button in the top right.