Spectra Blog
Below you will find instructions to add blog posts, customize your main blog page and more.
Adding a Blog Post
1.To add a blog post to your Spectra site, click on the Posts area in the black sidebar, then click on the Add New Post button.
2.Give you post a name
3.If you want a banner at the top of your post, flip the Enable Banner? toggle to YES, then upload both desktop and mobile versions of your image
4.Add a teaser (a short sentence or two that will show on the main blog page to entice viewers to click through to the full post) and a Hero Image (a small thumbnail version that will show on the main blog page)
5.Now build your blog post: you can use content blocks like you would for any regular page to build your post, this allows you to create different layouts including columns, text and images side-by-side, have video, etc. Alternatively, if you have a simple text-based post, you can paste your content in the main content area, immediately below the Content Block section.
6.Assign categories to your post if applicable (you can also add categories if needed, or remove existing categories by selecting Categories from the black sidebar).
7.Publish your post immediately by clicking on the blue Publish button on the right or schedule it for later in the Publish section.
8.Once published, your blog post will automatically appear on your main post page, which usually have the URL /blog/, like https://spectratemplate.com/blog/
Customizing Your Main Blog Page
You main blog page is what is called a post page, meaning it is designed to display posts automatically. Because of this, the changes you can make to the page are limited.
A few adjustments are possible by going to the Theme Settings section of the site, then scrolling down to the very bottom. Here, you can change or remove the banner image, adjust the number of posts displayed per row and change the Link Text if you wish.
Adding Featured Posts to Pages
1.You can add featured blog posts to any page on your website up to a maximum of 4 posts. To do this, go to the page where you want to add the posts and select Blog Posts from the Add Content Block dropdown.
2.Drag and drop the block in the position you want it, then select the number of posts you want to display and whether you want to display recent posts. You can restrict recent post to one or several categories if you wish.
3.Alternatively, you can turn off Show Most Recent Posts? and select specific posts you want to feature instead in the Choose Posts to Display section.